como esteis? estoy un poco perezoso entonces no quiero escribir la primer marka de cuestion. haha anyways i hope all is going well everything here is going super peachy. 2 baptisms this last week AND they asked me to do it.. one of them at least haha it was a good experience. also i gave my first discurso yesterday (talk) in sacrament meeting . i talked about the importance of families and how we need to teach the gospel to our kids. i dont know how well it was but everyone was saying my spanish is getting lots better. its weird how that works cause it just starts clicking and making sense sometimes and then other times... there is no hope. but i was talking to hna Clegg at the Zone conference we had this last week and she was telling me how she has been here for 2 years already and thinks that there are just those people that ... you just dont understand haha. but its all good.
lets see, im trying to think of things that happened this week that were super cool or anything. oh DO WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO. we had 3 baptisms this last month the first one (glenda) got a job after getting baptized. that same week she got fired for being a mormon. she still come to church and all that stuff and got a job that has sundays free and accepts mormons. its a miracle. the other is the wife in the picture i just sent home and she got a new job that now has sundays free and is closer because its here in malaga and not in one of the outskirt villages. its amazing the way the lord blesses you when you do what you are supposed to.
Portia and Lance congrats on the house im sure it looks BEAUTIFUL! keep me updated on the life with all that stuff.
Kels and Wayne Congrats on the learners permit! thats pretty exciting i remember how i felt when i had that freedom.. and i remember now how it feels to have it taken away (cause i cant drive hahaha)
Cars. sorry about the concussion but congrats on being able to take the hard drugs haha
Ab. I hope school is going well . let me know how all of that is going ok?
mom and dad haha i hope work is going well and that everything is working out how it needs to right now
have a great week and remember who we need to build upon as our rock (heleman 5:12)